Sleepy DaVinci Code

A DaVinci code board game.

Reveal all of your opponent’s secret code before they crack yours!

Watch the video
(Click ↑ to watch a demo video)

Click   Here   to play!

Or check the Github repo here  

Project Structure

This is a game demo using

  • Frontend: Pixi.js, React (Next.js) and GSAP
  • Backend: Node, Express and
  • DB: Redis as data cache
  • Construct and deploy: Docker, Nginx

For this game, I have designed the whole system, the art base and picked up the technologies I needed.

I have finished the programming part all by myself.

One of my friend has draw the most of the sprites for me. (A great thanks here)

For the demo server, I have bought a VPS from Linode and built a docker + nginx deploy flow. I was planed to use AWS or Google Cloud, however I found it is a little bit waste to deploy such a small project using them. Also I can learn more by using a brand new server out of box.

I am still working on improving the game. I hope you will enjoy it.


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